About me
Hi everyone, my name is Dumitru V. Gorbatovschi and I am born on 21th April 1983, sign Taurus.
I like pigeons sine I’m a kid, the first pair of doves I received from my grandfather at the age of 7 years. "Since then pigeons are like a disease for me (in a good way of course)
With racing pigeons I have started to participate since 2000, first here, in R. Moldova, in my region.
Meanwhile I heard of many International Racing Pigeons Competitions, in which I also attended.
In 2009 I have started to built my own Racing Center and at the end of 2010 the project was led to start to finish
Now, with the help of God, I’m organizing the 1’st Pigeon Race “Fauna Orheiului”, the contest will be here, in Orhei city, Republic of Moldova, www.pigeongd.com
For me this kind of concurrence it’s more than a sport or a hubby, it’s a place where all the trainers meets together with their pigeons that are participating in the same conditions (of food, trainings…)
But the MAIN idea is?
Locurile de la Columbodromul Kalimanci - Bulgaria.
One loft race Kalimanci - Results
Date: 02.08.2008 Start: 05:50:00 Distance: Kula - 430 km Pigeons:549
Place Point Ring Breeder dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm:ss M / min
1 1.821 TR 117056/08 Rahmi & Hanza Bozkir 02.08.2008 12:56:29.50 1008.246
2 3.643 MD 1112/08 Dimitry Gorbatovski 02.08.2008 12:56:40.65 1007.812
3 5.464 NL 1277167/08 Ries & Gerard Schalkwijk 02.08.2008 12:56:43.95 1007.69
One loft race Kalimanci - Results
Date: 01.08.2009 Start: 06:00:00 Distance: Kula - 430 km Pigeons:484
Place Point Ring Breeder dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm:ss M / min
26 53.719 MD 1908/09 Alexandru Gorbatovschi 01.08.2009 16:56:09.82 655.338
106 219.008 MD 1807/09 Gorbatovschi Dumitru 03.08.2009 08:05:53.57 143.053
One loft race Kalimanci - Results
Date: 31.07.2010 Start: 06:00:00 Distance: KULA - 430 km Pigeons:791
Place Point Ring Breeder dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm:ss M / min
31 39.191 MD 05112/10 Dimitry Gorbatovski 31.07.2010 19:24:22.10 534.582
55 69.532 MD 05195/10 Gorbatovschi Dumitru 01.08.2010 07:17:54.75 283.286
97 122.630 MD 05114/10 Dimitry Gorbatovski 01.08.2010 10:00:52.39 255.820
One loft race Kalimanci - Results
Date: 30.07.2011 Start: 06:30:00 Distance: Kula - 430 km Pigeons:508
Place Point Ring Breeder dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm:ss M / min
83 163.386 MD 3120/11 www.pigeongd. com 30.07.2011 15:55:43.31 760.098
168 330.709 MD 2009/11 www.pigeongd. com 31.07.2011 09:51:26.66 261.966
213 419.291 MD 2017/11 www.pigeongd. com 08.08.2011 13:13:00.21 32.178
Locurile de la Columbodromul Radevo - Bulgaria.
Стартирали гълъби: 310
на 25.07.2009 в 05.40 часа Birlad- 420km
N: Breeder: Ring: Time:
27 Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 09 1710 06:46:17:60
90 Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 09 1713 26.07.09 13:21:41:54
121 Gorbatchovschi Dimitru MD 09 1509 01.08.09 07:05:48:12
Стартирали гълъби: 318
на 07.08.2010 в 06.00 часа Birlad- 420km
N: Breeder: Ring: Time:
7 Moldova Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 5130 07.08.10 / 20.07:51:57
16 Moldova Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 5138 08.08.10 / 08.22:10:62
42 Moldova A Gorbatovschi MD 5111 08.08.10 / 10.53:56:68
58 Moldova A Gorbatovschi MD 5107 08.08.10 / 13.20:27:79
70 Moldova Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 5139 08.08.10 / 15.06:34:21
Стартирали гълъби: 125
на 06/08/2011 в 05.45 часа Birlad- 420km
N: Breeder: Ring: Time:
6 Moldova Fauna Orhei MD 2015 06.08.11 / 12.00:17:68
29 Moldova Fauna Orhei MD 2036 06.08.11 / 15.49:03:15
47 Moldova Fauna Orhei MD 2012 07.08.11 / 09.00:49:90
Locurile de la Columbodromul AS Golden - Grecia.
Race Results - Final Race 445km 2010 285 pigeon
Rank Surname Firstmame Ring Number Arrival Time
103 www.pigeongd.com Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 5136-10 31/07/2010 13:50:05
109 www.pigeongd.com Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 5131-10 31/07/2010 14:04:11
160 www.pigeongd.com Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 5133-10 31/07/2010 17:58:10
194 www.pigeongd.com Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 5137-10 01/08/2010 07:17:00
Race Results - Final Race 445km 2011 375 pigeon
Rank Surname Firstmame Ring Number Arrival Time
207 www.pigeongd.com Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 3912 - 11 30/07/2011 13:18:41
236 www.pigeongd.com Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 2023 - 11 30/07/2011 16:17:31
291 www.pigeongd.com Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 2033 - 11 31/07/2011 07:21:39
Locurile de la Columbodromul Alpin - Romaniea.
cur.no. fancier foot ring elec. ringno. arrival time
111 Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 2410/2011 M 376F6C4300 27.08.11 13:12:19:17
155 Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 3110/2011 M 376F357600 27.08.11 13:28:24:50
161 Gorbatovschi Dumitru MD 2405/2011 M 376F21EF00 27.08.11 13:30:24:24
Locurile de la Columbodromul Piatra-Neamt - Romaniea.
Loc Tara AN Seria Sosire Timp
76 MD 10 5159 2010.09.04 15:18:28,9
106 MD 10 5171 2010.09.04 15:42:44,8
128 MD 10 5161 2010.09.04 16:47:45,4
194 MD 10 5169 2010.09.06 15:35:27,5
Loc Tara AN Seria Sosire Timp
19 MD 11 3129 2011.08.28 12:49:35
36 MD 11 3106 2011.08.28 13:04:08
82 MD 11 3029 2011.08.28 13:24:10
96 MD 11 3058 2011.08.28 14:33:24
98 MD 11 3113 2011.08.28 14:49:19
103 MD 11 3039 2011.08.28 15:14:59
Locurile de la Columbodromul Emerald Classic - Irlanda.
FINAL RACE - 410 km - LIBERATED 343 pigeon 11/09/2011
Loc Tara AN Seria Timp Sosire
57 ECHIPA Republica Moldova MD11-1003114 12:51:20 11/09/2011
89 ECHIPA Republica Moldova MD11-1003118 13:08:43 11/09/2011
316 ECHIPA Republica Moldova MD11-1003399 11:56:22 12/09/2011
To meet together at each race and to join watching our pigeons. Because only a true "columbofil" the real pleasure and love for pigeons.